Issue 1

I wanted to start writing again because I think of it as therapeutic. Maybe my version of Self Care, despite rambling about things I probably am not happy about. I am thinking a lot about my personal life compared to what is going on around me in the environment, in politics, and in the world. This could be a connection through how my brain forms opinions and my personal ideolgies and the things I read/hear/see. Where I have been and the social norms that I like or dislike vs my home and how those norms shift or are completely ignored. How I feel about ways of doing things in different spaces. I don't think of this in existential terms, but how things in my life and things I have learnt have brought me to this place. Genetically, where am I at? We talk about genes and how much they can affect us as a person. I got a DNA kit and some of the traits don't match up to me, but I think there is a myriad of other factors that can throw these traits off. Mental illness, for example. I think if I thought about all of this too much, I would wonder what went wrong with the people that are creating misery on this planet. There is always the familial connections that run through the family, but I think of myself as someone who has pushed away from the conservatism and I think maybe some of the teachings are so tightly tethered to these familial lines that it may be near impossible to stray.
